Fighting against the Six Heroes

Since the beginning of the battle until now, Ling Xian did not make a single move and had always defended. Now that he had finally made his first move, the sky exploded with vigor!

An infinite amount of heavenly light shot through the clouds and terrifying Qi circulated throughout the area. He marched forward one step, looking like an angry dragon that caused the earth to split and the space to crumble.

The terrifying Qi changed the color on everyone's faces!

Hua Wan Yue's face slowly quivered as she quickly formed a hand seal to set a protective array around this place. Or else, this Qi alone would've killed off all the bystanders.

"That's enough from you. It's my turn."

Ling Xian glanced at Luo Jun in the same manner the owner of this world would. His glare had enough energy to barren everything within miles and shake up all nine levels of heaven.

In a flash, he disappeared and reappeared before Luo Jun. His fist, heavy like a mountain, slammed down!