Absorbing the Essence

Inside the VIP room, a nine-colored, strange flower landed on Ling Xian's shoulder. It exploded with a large amount of light that bedazzled everyone.

The blinding colors expanded throughout the room, making the entire space look like a hazy dream.

At the same time, a strange amount of power appeared and began to suck on his lifespan.

This made Ling Xian frown. However, after realizing that he wasn't in any sort of discomfort, his tight brows relaxed and his eyes flashed with curiosity.

"What an interesting flower. It can reduce a cultivator's lifespan."

Feeling his lifespan being sucked away but not feeling any discomfort, Ling Xian became engrossed.

He has never heard of an item that could suck away a cultivator's life in the Taoism community. Even the strange weapons cannot achieve this.

Unless the cultivator chooses to burn their own lifespan, very few items or beings could defy the heavenly laws and absorb others' lifespan.