The Gentle Dong Fang Yu

Currently, the Sun was hanging high in the sky, shedding down an infinite amount of light that was warm and bright.

Yet everyone here felt like they were being thrown into a mile deep abyss – cold and dark.

He stood there unmoving and yet he destroyed the sharp rays from the knife?

Did he use his two fingers to snap the black blade into pieces?

Just how capable did he have to be to achieve all this?!

Without a doubt, the impact this had on them was groundbreaking. Everyone was now dumbfounded.

Leng Feng especially was shocked to a point of no return. Even breathing was getting difficult.

He stared at the man in white with a sluggish expression. Other than awe on his face, only awe remained.

Only after a long while, did he regain himself and spoke a statement that silenced the crowd.

"Ad… advanced stage of the completion level?!"

At those words, everyone had their realizations and the entire place began to boil.