
It was night time. The setting Sun was spreading down soft red light that was incomparably beautiful.

On top of a mile tall mountain, Ling Xian's brows were tightly fused together and was looking extremely sorrowful.

Because as he began his journey towards the location of the treasure, he heard terrible news.

The hidden fortune from the ancient times had revealed itself and was discovered by a young descendant. Then, within 30 minutes, the news traveled all over the Shang Qing Sect.

In other words, Ling Xian was one step behind.

By now, intense protection had been set around the ancient fortune. In other words, even a fly cannot reach it right now, let alone a human.

This means his entire plan has been jumbled. Originally, he planned on being at the location and sneak the fortune away the moment the ruins reveal itself.

But now, his plan no longer worked. Other than fighting against the Shang Qing Sect head on and get the fortune with force, there was no other way.