The Common Enemy of Yuezhou

Yuezhou is spacious with a high population. There is never a lack of topics to be gossiped about.

However, in recent months, there was only one topic that has been talked about in Yuezhou – that was the Soaring Key. There was only one person being talked about – that was Ling Xian.

Everyone was talking about him; everyone was chasing after him.

This was all because the implications of the Soaring Key was far too great and far too important. Even those of the fifth level couldn't help but waver in the face of it.

Therefore all the different forces inside Yuezhou made their moves. Some capable nomads also were on their way to pursue after that one person, that one key.

This made the unknown forces and weak nomads exclaim.

Because out of the past 100,000 years of history for Yuezhou, this was the first time a single person caused such chaos for everyone. this was the first time ever that the entire continent was going after one person!