The Immortal Bone of Battle

Inside the eerie forest, Ling Xian's right foot was still on top of the cultivation leader. Similar to a God who is riding above all nine levels of Heaven, his cold eyes gawked down onto the mortal world.

This simultaneously pained the cultivation leader and made him feel extremely humiliated.

As an original leveled cultivator of the intermediate stage, as the number four most powerful member of the Shang Qing Sect, he has always bullied others. When have other people ever stepped down on him like this?

To him, this was extremely shameful and humiliating!

Especially after realizing that he had lost, he felt even more humiliated. However, he remained helpless.

Just like Ling Xian had said, the result was now clear. He, the strongest leader out of all four paths, had lost.

He had been defeated so cleanly, so undoubtedly!