I am Ling Xian

Spring left and autumn arrived. In the blink of an eye, 10 years had passed.

The news of Ling Xian's death died down and was soon replaced by new topics. Nobody discussed him anymore and nobody felt sad anymore.

After all, he was now just a dead man.

However, everyone he's interacted with remembered him as an unforgettable person. Even though he had already died, his white robe left an imprint in everyone's heart.

Many people were expecting him to return to life or simply believe that the news of his death is fake. Because, to them, Ling Xian has always been breaking rules and defying heaven.

It was already hard to count his heaven-defying achievements. How could he die that easily?

But after 10 years, there was still not a single piece of news regarding Ling Xian. Those who refused to believe in his death finally began to accept this truth.

The monster who has been breaking logical rules has died.

Completely and for sure died.