Twisting the Truth

Under the Sun, inside the dense forest.

Against the young man's aggressive attack, Ling Xian's expression was calm per usual. He didn't think twice and merely extended a hand that he placed by his head.


After a crisp bone crackling noise, the young man's arms were crushed from the defensive pressure.

His arms were completely and utterly in pieces.

"Ah, my hands!"

The young man's face was in awe. He retreated as if he had seen a ghost and his scared body was quivering.

He was shocked to the extreme. The young girl was even more surprised than he was!

She glanced at Ling Xian, who slowly put down his hand and then glanced at the young man whose arms were broken. Her brain was blank and she lost all ability to think.

An ordinary person without spiritual energy just broke a completion leveled powerhouse's arms?

How… how was that possible?

The young girl's face was astounded to a point of no return!

What are ordinary mortals considered to be in the Taoism community?