Dao Wu Ji’s Astonishment

Above the main peak and inside the main palace.

Dao Wu Ji bare handedly held onto a cup of brewed tea and he even took out his highly treasured tea, the Spring Snow Tea, to welcome Ling Xian. This tea was refreshing and aromatic, truly top quality.

Ling Xian sipped it and couldn't help but to praise it, "Great tea. Supreme Headmaster, you sure are generous."

"It depends on who my guest is. Out of the entire Wan Jian House, only you can get me to bring out my Spring Snow Tea." Dao Wu Ji faintly grinned, "Remember that this tea is something even I do not treat myself with."

"If that's the case then you really are giving me much benefits. Thank you, Headmaster, for treating me so nicely." Ling Xian continued to smile; soft and smooth like jade.

"After experiencing death, you have grown mature. I can see wisdom and vicissitude in your eyes." Dao Wu Ji spoke softly, feeling much guilt and self-blame.