Wan Jian House's Situation

Inside a bright cave.

After a short period of rebuttals, Dao Wu Ji and Ling Xian sat down peacefully. They discussed all the interesting things they've encountered as they drank tea.

Then, the leader of the Wan Jian House's expression turned serious. "Ling Xian, I am so glad you were able to return. I don't want to lie to you, the Wan Jian House is in the middle of a crisis right now."

"I somehow sensed that."

Ling Xian nodded softly. From Dao Wu Ji's guilty and self-blaming expression, Ling Xian had sensed that the Wan Jian House was in trouble. He merely didn't know what it was related to.

"Aye, ever since you were forced to leave Yunzhou, the three foreign kinds have been suppressing and striking back at the Wan Jian House."