Seeking Thunder for the Body

In midair, Ling Xian acted like a golden warrior. His arms moved with enough energy to crack open the sky, split open the ground, and cause destruction in all directions.

In the blink of an eye, he had already killed three original leveled cultivators. Only the man nicknamed the Human Butcher and the Wang Clan Leader remained alive.

This made everyone in the Wen Clan widen their eyes. They were full of disbelief.

At the same time, they finally realized why Ling Xian was so confident. Within such a short period of time, he had killed three original leveled powerhouses. Anyone would be full of confidence.

The vice ruler of the Court of Thunder and Clan Leader Wang stared with their eyes wide. They were being crushed with awe.

Not even in their dreams did they think the person before them would this powerful. Even the Wang Clan Leader, who has already experienced Ling Xian's capabilities, could not believe he would be able to kill three original leveled cultivators within seconds!