A Big Scene

Inside the forest, Ling Xian broke through the levels aggressively as if he was breaking through bamboo leaves. Within less than 15 minutes, he had passed the seventh level.

The deep bell rang in a row, shocking all nine levels of Heaven and all 10 levels of hell, shocking everyone there.

"My god, is he a monster?"

"Unbelievable. Within such a short period of time, he passed through seven levels. That is unbelievable."

"Yeah, this man's speed is something even Fairy Wu couldn't achieve back then!"

"This truly is like a God has descended. He is unbelievably aggressive!"

Everyone discussed in shock. Their tone was filled with disbelief.

From the Library of Fortune, one shadow after another flew out. Amongst them were men, women, the elderly, and the young. They were either incredible talents, or powerful elders. Without exceptions, however, they were all well-known figures.