The Golden Dan of Frozen Blood

"Just what does this mean…"

Ling Xian frowned. He thought about it hard but couldn't find an answer.

This made him realize just how mysterious and profound the Taoism community is and how there is just so much he doesn't know about.

"Oh well. I will put it to rest for now and focus on what's before me."

Ling Xian smiled dashingly and put the book pages back into his storage pouch. Then, he took out the cauldron he acquired from Yuezhou and began brewing some medicinal Dans for potential injuries.

The opening of the Great Mausoleum meant that it will attract many powerhouses. They will be the type of Heaven's Favorites who are truly out of the world. This meant, there will soon be another war with intense opponents.

Of course, if he didn't want to go for the treasures, then he may be able to avoid the battle fires. But these chances are so rare, why would he go in if he was scared of a fight?