Cold Mocking and Heated Sneering

The Sun was hanging high in the sky, shedding light onto the Cliff of Treasure Division.

Ling Xian walked in giant steps and walked with his head held high. His confident stance truly was snatching over others' hearts.

He really wanted to try and see just what kind of tests were behind these doors. And after successfully passing them, what kind of treasures will he acquire?

Just as he walked on, silhouettes began to get flung out from the doors. Without exception, their faces were pale and their robes were dyed with blood.

Su Li Yu, the seven-headed serpent, Ye Xiao Yao and others were all amongst the group. They too, like the Goddess of Battles, all failed before the seventh black door. Against the three doors of alchemy, crafts, and arrays, they were powerless.

After all, they were Heaven's Favorites with cultivation. They knew nothing about the three professions, not even a little.