The Eerie Pool of Blood

Inside the cave, Ling Xian's punch howled across the sky. Like an exploding Sun, an infinite amount of energy detonated.

This made the God of Gold reveal a look of hopelessness. Its body couldn't help but quiver.

He originally believed that after his capabilities increased by 5 folds, he would be able to kill Ling Xian as easy as he eats or drinks. But now, he realized that the man before him is not one he can defeat.

Sadly, his enlightenment came too late.

Ling Xian's punch was ruthless and incomparable. It instantly pierced through the God of Gold's chest and slammed him into another tall mountain.


The God of Gold cried in pain. The majority of his bones have cracked and his red eyes were flooding with fear. However, he knew that he cannot just sit and do nothing. Or else only death awaits.