The Palace of Heaven’s Favorites

"That's right. I have no time to take care of him."

Ling Xian sipped on his tea and smiled, "Therefore, I want Stone to enter your care."

"But he is your apprentice." Dao Wu Zi appeared confused.

"That's not an issue."

Ling Xian brandished his arm, "Vice Dean Wu, how do you think Stone will turn out in the future?"

"That's not even a question. If no accidents happen, with his talent, he will easily become a powerhouse." Wu Dao Zi looked assured.

"Then what's there to question? Though I am now his master, if he grows up in the Library of Fortune, he will be grateful towards you."

Ling Xian grinned. "In the future, he becomes a powerhouse, then wouldn't the Library of Fortune gain honor?"

Hearing this, Wu Dao Zi was enlightened.

Just like Ling Xian had said, though Stone was his apprentice that cannot be denied, if the Library of Fortune accepts him, then he could still bring honor to them.

Therefore, Dao Wu Zi was wavering.