Four Heaven’s Favorites

In the sky, three men and one woman stood tall and heavy like they were mountains.

The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful like a flower. Without exceptions, they were emitting powerful Qi.

At the same time, they were all gawking at Ling Xian, who appeared suddenly.

"You dare to try and steal the Frozen Lotus before me, Bai Yuan. You have some guts," a man with white brows said. His voice was cold enough to freeze all nine levels of Heaven and all 10 levels of Hell.

Everyone else's expression was cold. The way they were looking at Ling Xian was like they were looking at a dead man, "Bai Yuan? Never heard of that name."

Ling Xian shook his head. He tiptoed by the frozen lake in his white gown, looking extraordinary.

He was looking down from above as he faced the four powerhouses' suppressing energy. Despite this, his expression was calm without any sign of stress.

His graceful ways were truly heart-snatching.