Leader Dugu

"Mansion Master Duan, why don't you tell me… What will it take for you to spare Di Jue's life?" Di Shan bit the bullet and decided to relent when he saw Duan Ru Feng had really intended to fight him. Although he was not afraid of Duan Ru Feng, he hesitated when he thought about the consequences it would bring to the dragon clan if he had lost.

He was the Clan Leader of the dragon clan, each of his move represented the clan. Naturally, he would not fight if it was not necessary.

"Clan Leader!" Xue Chan and the others looked visibly upset when they saw Di Shan had relented. Although they knew it was not beneficial to make an enemy out of Duan Ru Feng, the Mansion Master of Azure Cloud Mansion, they still felt upset the Clan Leader had to take a step back in their own territory. However, they did not dare to vent their anger on Duan Ru Feng. Moreover, he was certainly not in the wrong.