The Battle In Northern Mang Mountain

In fact, it was only natural for Duan Ling Tian to think that way.

After all, the group of bandit only had the strength of an eighth-rate force, it would not pose a threat to him even if there were 100 groups of bandits like them.

However, as it turned out, Duan Ling Tian happened to meet a group of bandit that had connections with King Qian.

This matter rendered him speechless. However, he did not regret his action at all.

He was certain this was not the main reason King Qian was targeting him. It was mainly because of the Devilseal Tablet.

'You want my Devilseal Tablet? Well then, we'll have to see whether you or that person whom you've invited here have that kind of ability to take it from me.' A hint of disdain flashed in the depth of Duan Ling Tian's eyes.

Naturally, Situ Hao, his son, and Situ Hou did not notice the hint of disdain in his eyes.