I still can’t bear to leave

Nightfall came.

Under the flood of white light from the searchlight, Oasis was vastly different from the past nights. Tension hung in the air. Other than the few important teams who had to fulfill their usual duties, most of the other members grouped themselves in twos and threes, sharing a single flashlight. They were all searching for traces of the two traitors.

It has already been seven hours since the duoluozhongs appeared, but they still didn’t find Lin Sanjiu and Marcie. Whether it was the canteen, the main hall, or the water treatment room… wherever there was a loudspeaker, people could hear the ongoing broadcast.

At that moment, a trembling female voice could be heard over the loudspeakers: “As an operational administrator, I quickly followed them when I sensed that something was amiss… But, I never guess that they could be so crazy! They actually colluded with the duoluozhongs and brought them here to kill us…”

It was Xiao Yu’s voice.