Who Do You Suspect?

A warm, orange light lit up the dinner table, covered with a snow-white tablecloth. The cutleries and plates reflected the same warm, gentle light. Meanwhile, three people and a rabbit sat around the clean, elegant set-up with deadpan expressions. Fortunately, being in Hyperthermal Hell, they did not worry about the food getting cold. For some reasons, though all of them were almost starving to death, they only stared at the steaming food in front of them, while none of them moved.

"I can’t. I can’t stand it anymore!" B.Rabbit shouted after some time. Being the most impatient among them, he was the first one to "break". He leaped onto the table and yelled out, "I don’t give a damn! Even if I become a ghost, I don’t want to die hungry!" With that, he scratched open the plastic wrap with his paws and threw it to one side. Before the other could stop him, the rabbit thrust his head into his bowl of soup, and then they heard weird gurgling sounds as he drank the soup noisily.