The Earth Which Passed Away and Frozen

[What a breathtaking view…] Lin Sanjiu unwittingly slowed down her footsteps as she took in the panorama of the devastation which laid in the distance. [No, that’s not right. The word ‘breathtaking’ isn’t too appropriate to describe this scene. How should I put this? Looking at this makes one feel so insignificant...]

If someone were to look down from the sky, they would see that the entire Shenghai Port and its surrounding district were in a half-melted state. The electrical poles fell in all directions, crashing down on multiple roofs. Buildings had either collapsed or were leaning dangerously… yet those things were merely the backdrop of the composition. The thing which caught their attention the most was the streets, which were strewn with wreckages of boats of all sizes, and that fishy, pungent stench, which lunged at them. This twisted masterpiece, created by the apocalypse, overwhelmed all of their five senses.