
Despite the continuous waves of exhaustion, Lin Sanjiu tried her best to keep up with the fat man, trudging through the patches of waist-high grass. This place had probably been a part of the city as she could still see the remnants of pedestrian pavements. However, it was evident that the place had been abandoned for a long time as the plants have already decimated most of the tiles on the ground.

As they walked, the grayish-white pet rat obediently followed behind the fat man. When it moved quickly, the fetus within the pustule on its back would wobble along with the moving fluid. Lin Sanjiu did not have the time to process her disgust because all her attention was drawn to what the fat man was saying, "When Er Dao told me about that, I thought he was joking! I can’t believe someone like him would have an otherworldly lover who would come here to look for him… Cough, now I know he’s telling the truth."