I Will Remember All of This

Lin Sanjiu only heard the term "sponsors" on the fourth day of the tournament. After the end of day three, the capsule containment area had 29 fewer capsules. Among the 29 women, there were those with outstanding abilities, some who were quick-witted and others who worked together... but in the end, they all ended up dying in the most meaningless and banal way without a shred of dignity. Their remnants of blood and flesh dyed the arena red while the groups of duoluozhongs walked around making squishy sounds as they trampled over their bodies.

Out of the dead women, one of them had an ability that seemed related to her vision. Even after her body had been minced, one of her eyeballs remained intact. No matter how hard the duoluozhongs tried to step on it, it didn’t burst. It simply rolled about in the bloody mixture on the ground with the sclera facing the ceiling.