The Dreaded Hero Complex

The silent confrontation at the corner of the hall drew no attention. When Gong Daoyi saw the weapon in Lin Sanjiu’s hand, his eyes brightened and he even showed a faint smile. He sat down again with an amiable expression as if he was having tea with an old friend, "Okay, why don’t you tell me what you remembered?"

Lin Sanjiu simply couldn’t understand the man’s behavior.

"Oh, You misunderstood my intentions. I did try to hypnotize you. But I mean you no harm." Gong Daoyi clapped his hands as if he just remembered something, "I was a consultant in the past. I know you are under a great deal of pressure... If you didn’t snap out the hypnosis just now, you would feel your stress slowly ebbing away. And when you woke up, you would feel fantastic."

Lin Sanjiu squinted as if she was trying to figure this man out and didn’t say a word. After some time, her mouthpart weapon disappeared from her hand. "If you try that again, don’t say I didn’t warn you," she stated coldly.