Lila's Blood Stained Key

"I know." Lin Sanjiu gave Lila a perfunctory reply while she remained in her daze. From her previous experience, she knew that every time she left the particular storyline, she wouldn’t return to the point she left. The story would continue to move forward even without her—which meant, the next time she returned to Red Riding Hood’s story, she would have missed the opportunity to save both Emma and Red Riding Hood.

If both of them were really attacked by the werewolf, Lin Sanjiu couldn’t imagine how they would survive. If the main character of the storyline died, Lin Sanjiu wondered what would happen to the pocket dimension and herself. Just when Lin Sanjiu was at wit’s end, Lila stopped with her knife and fork above her plate, and scrutinized Lin Sanjiu.

"Hey," Lila called her softly while pouting as if she was a little dissatisfied, "What are you thinking about? Why are you ignoring me?"