What Kind of Shitty Method Is That?

The air was contaminated with the smell of rotting plants and the fishy stench from all sorts of mutated creatures. It flowed through the respiratory tracts and into the lungs of all the humans and posthumans in the city.

Under such circumstances, no one uttered a word even when they saw those wanted criminals, the female posthumans, running past them. Hundreds or even thousands of humans sprawled on the streets like dead bodies. Their almost-dead listless eyes trailed the nimble footsteps of the posthumans until finally revealing a tinge of envy.

Blood gushed out from their respiratory tract, making it impossible to breathe, yet they no longer had the strength to even cough. Occasionally, a few people would appear with milder radiation sickness. They would stumble through the streets covered with the bodies of the fallen and shout out "save me" before collapsing to the ground like toy blocks.

There were victims everywhere.