A Bitter Journey Through Culture

[Green Melon and Bai Xiaoke must be anxious and angry now...] Lin Sanjiu thought to herself. The only sound she could hear from within the tree roots was a constant gurgling sound. When Lin Sanjiu opened her eyes, she realized that it wasn't pitch-dark like she imagined. Instead, everything was foggy white. Occasionally, a large mass of thin roots would pass by quickly.

Although she felt a little guilty for making her companions worried, Lin Sanjiu couldn’t resist her hunger and started searching for the half-eaten cup noodles from her card inventory. The items which she converted into cards would be preserved in the very state before they were converted. As a result, when she converted the cup noodles back to its original steaming hot form, the fragrance of seafood wafted into her nose. Before she left, Lin Sanjiu hung a backpack full of food, enough for half a month, on the waist of the robot doll so she wasn’t worried that the three people outside would starve.