Returning from the Netherworld

Lin Sanjiu was hazily aware that she had slept for a long time. Occasionally, someone would wake her and ask her a few questions. She didn't know who posed those question and she didn't know how she answered. It was as though her mind was wrapped in water, everything she heard was muddled and indistinct.

She had never been this exhausted; it was as if her brain had stopped functioning. Even if someone were to stab her in her sleep, Lin Sanjiu probably couldn't wake up.

Lin Sanjiu didn't know how long she slept but her rumbling stomach finally woke her up. She smelled the pleasant fragrance of wheat. It smelled so good that her stomach reacted and that was when Lin Sanjiu finally opened her eyes.

She was immediately greeted with a packet of bread with a small open slit.