She Did a Sudden 180

Lin Sanjiu didn't know if she had miscalculated, but this time the train arrived at the station in less than 20 minutes. Lin Sanjiu had already anticipated this. She grabbed the note tightly in her hand and did not move from her seat. She forced herself to turn her head around to look outside through the window. Without the feeling of the note in her hand, reminding her about the messy handwriting, Lin Sanjiu really wouldn't be able to resist just rushing outside to free herself from this torture.

This time, the glass wall of the train station disappeared.

Without the glass wall, half of the train station had already merged with the elementary school building. The gates of the school and its fences were now, without reason, behind a bench in the train station. The signboard with the words "Mausoleum Elementary School" blocked the entire view of the station's name.