If You Don't Heed the Advice of Your Elders

This question instantly stirred the hornet's nest. Reno immediately leaped to the side of the elevator, pressing his back against the wall of the elevator. His youthful face was filled with shock, "Didn't you say that?"

Rena reacted in the same way as her brother. Lin Sanjiu didn't know if that perfect coordination was developed through nature or nurture. "Bullshit! If I had said that, would I ask that question?!"

This was probably the first time the siblings encountered such a thing. They looked a little flustered as they turned to the grayish brain beside them unwittingly. Of course, this wasn't because they suspected that she could suddenly speak, but Lin Sanjiu was the only who could see everything in her current form. Lin Sanjiu floated around the space in the elevator for some time but she spelled two words which made all of them anxious, "No one."

There was total silence for a second before Reno grumbled, "That voice belonged to a woman!"