The Person In The Tunnel

Ever since Lin Sanjiu boarded the train from Kisaragi Station, this was the first time she encountered such as a situation. There was a stale silence around them. Lin Sanjiu could even hear the soft breathing sounds from the siblings very clearly. Occasionally, they would hear a 'pop' from the fluorescent lights above them. In such silence, that sound rang out like a thunderclap. From the train windows, they could see that it was very dark outside. They could also see a few indistinct white silhouettes. There wasn't a train station outside and there wasn't even any scenery to speak of. Actually, there wasn't even a glimmer of light outside. It was so dark that the light shining from the interior of the train was just swallowed by the darkness. Apparently, the train had suddenly stopped while it was traveling through a tunnel.

The three people looked at each other, feeling a little at a loss.