An Unexpected Discovery

Daytime only lasted for a short while before nightfall silently arrived. The last rays of the sun lingered in the dark murky sky as if unwilling to depart. Finally, reaching a consensus, the sky turned into a dark deep blue, such that the clouds appeared blue. The wind swept gently through the silent cities devoid of human life. The sound of the breeze ironically accentuated the silence all around.

The group stood on the rooftop of the bank building and looked at the dots of yellow light in the distance. Those light seemed like the only sign of anything living within the lifeless darkness. Though Kisaragi Station was a recently formed world, the sides of the bank building were already overrun with ivy.

"Those lights are probably switched on by duoluozhongs to attract survivors," Hannie suddenly commented, as though she had noticed Lin Sanjiu looking in the direction of the lights. Lin Sanjiu was startled by the woman's keen observation.