2 VS. 2

Derik and his team, now standing in front of Lin Sanjiu, acted totally different from 30 minutes ago.

"Where is that boy? Derik asked while he smirked, showing the upper left row of his teeth. His voice was as gentle and amiable as before, but there was a hint of insanity on his ugly face. Lin Sanjiu didn't know why she didn't notice that before. There was something about the color of his eyes that made people uneasy. It was as if an artist had accidentally left a splotch of ink on his canvas. The color was uneven, too dark in some spots and too light in others, making it uncomfortable for someone to look at him for too long.

Rena and Lin Sanjiu did not reply and instead only responded by going into their fighting stances.

"Hehe," Zhu Mingchun chuckled, his slow-witted expression was long gone from his face. He narrowed his eyes, while cruelty dripped from his words as he said, "Brother Derik, they probably hid him nearby. Let me look for that brat?"