The Information Lin Sanjiu Uncovered

"That's impossible!" Reno almost couldn't control his volume, being the first to react to that information. "There are at least 800,000 books in each wing! Are you saying that they have finished searching through all those books so quickly?!"

"Who, where and which book…" Rena also became anxious. "Why didn't she announce that information?"

"Could this be pure luck?" Lin Sanjiu thought doubtfully.

The rules of Kisaragi Library's book-searching event were very clear. It wasn't the sort of mystery where they had to understand the underlying logic to get the right answers. It was as direct as can be. The participants just had to look for the books. There wasn't any sort of wordplay or trickery.

Under this condition, even Nüwa would have to slowly search through the books manually. A person had to be a wizard if he could just point out the locations of the book with his mind.