Why Wouldn’t You Let me Wear My Shoes?

Siri's voice came fuzzily through the communicator but, right now, Rena did not have the focus to listen to what she had to say. If you find yourself staring back at a long, wet, sticky tongue flickering at you, trying to pick up your scent, you probably wouldn't have the mood to listen to a person speaking beside you.

Rena felt a natural aversion and fear of the creature in front of her, but she suppressed the emotions that made her legs tremble. She tried her best to speak coolly, "Duoluozhong?"

She was unaware that she had unconsciously imitated Lin Sanjiu's cool-headed way of speaking. Siri's voice continued fuzzily over the communicator. Evidently, Reno did not catch what his sister said. Even though Siri did not mention anything about duoluozhongs, Kisaragi Library was still a part of an apocalyptic world. It wasn't totally unimaginable that a duoluozhong would appear there.