Fan Service For Cat Lovers

Wafts of meat fragrance accompanied the faint white steam coming out from a small metal container atop an open fire. The fire created an interplay of light and shadow upon the faces of the people surrounding it. The fire lit their faces and their bright, sparkling eyes.

Lin Sanjiu didn't know how long it had been since she had seen hot, sizzling food. Though she craved for a bite, she could only sit beside the food and stare.

Just moments ago, she refused to accept her condition and insisted on trying a bite of that meat. The meat literally "went through her body undigested" and fell to the floor. Because of that, the siblings reproached her for quite a long while.

"I think the meat should be done?" When Rena said those words, Lin Sanjiu could hear the saliva in the girl's mouth, the girl was almost gurgling her salvia, "I think it is ready!"

Before she finished her sentence, she rapidly brought her chopsticks to the side of the metal container—