Too Many...

"That person has been killed!"

That was Lin Sanjiu's first reaction. She suppressed her shock and looked behind her, at Area R. Seeing that no one was coming out, she quickly asked, "Can you detect where the dead body is? Strange… Who is it? What is his or her motivation to kill?"

Naturally, Walter did not know the answer. He could only detect living life forms within a certain area as well as their size.

"Maybe, the murderer had already stuffed the body into the cargo area?" the teenager looked at the stacked cargo on both sides of the corridor but he didn't see any bloodstain he expected to find. After thinking for a while, Walter suggested, "I think it might be a personal grudge."

"Hopefully, that's the reason," Lin Sanjiu said as she activated her higher consciousness scan. Unfortunately, she didn't find anything. "After that person had his revenge, I think he'll stop."