AYU And The Toilet

27 hours before the airship started descending, the tall, burly man walked back to Area R after being missing for a whole night. As he was getting on in years, and had some speckled gray hair. He wore a crumpled blue shirt and an unironed pair of jeans. As Lin Sanjiu stared at him unblinking, the man lowered his eyelids as he sat in a corner, looking listless.

After the situation with the nameless man, Lin Sanjiu already guessed that the tall, burly man would return. She exchanged quick glances with Walter and Green Dress. After she nodded slightly, Walter cleared his throat a little nervously and stood up.

Just moments ago, when everyone was resting in Area R, the three of them met in the corridor and quietly exchanged information.

"If that's the case, the results I got from my readings are not metaphors," Green Dress said. Her name was Jade Zhang, which was quite unbefitting of her personality. "So, she did give birth?"