A Baby Was Killed?

When a strong swirl of air current erupted in Area R, Lin Sanjiu couldn't tell if what she was seeing was reality or her hallucination.

When she was hit directly by an attack, one of the dead bodies on the ground nearly grabbed her ankle. The airship fell sharply downward… After that, she totally couldn't trust any of her five sense. Everything that happened seemed like reality. Her experience and judgment had never been so terrible. To make things worse, when AYU tricked her senses once again, she clearly saw the chests of the people on the ground moving, including Walter's.

No matter what AYU's goals were, at least she hadn't laid her hands on them.

"But... what if I see a pile of dead bodies and blood dripping from my wings when I wake from this hallucination," Lin Sanjiu couldn't help feeling nauseated when she thought of the possibility that she might kill them accidentally in her hallucination.