A Dangerous Dog

Captain Marlon had been operating his airship service on this flight route between Free District and Cape Howling for quite some time. He had seen all sorts of people. Yet, when he opened the side door of his airship today, it was different. When he saw the three women and one man on the islet, he suddenly shivered; he couldn't tell if it was because of the cold sea winds.

No matter how he looked at it, these people were in some bizarre situation.

The loud rumbling noise generated by the engines of his small airship sounded as though they were going to die on him soon. As the airship vibrated noisily, the flimsy airship door shook continuously. Captain Marlon seemed all too accustomed to these little details. If he didn't see the expressions of the passengers who just boarded, he would have almost forgotten the dilapidated state of his small airship.