Free District, here I come!

After the small, dingy airship vibrated for a long time and finally stabilized again, Lin Sanjiu looked up and nodded at AYU. The latter's face was stoic, and Lin Sanjiu couldn't tell what expression she was making. She made a gesture and Jade, who was sitting in front of her, suddenly shuddered. Jade blinked her eyes a few times as if she had just woken up. It took at least half a minute for Jade to snap to her senses as she asked, "Have we reached our destination?"

It was no surprise that she was shocked. In her mind, they had only sat in silence for five minutes, flying above the ocean.

"They've been so quiet all this time. It's quite strange." Jade remarked before suddenly realizing that Soulsqn was not tied up. Her face turned white, "She... She! What happened?"

"Don't worry," Lin Sanjiu consoled with a slight hint of amusement. She stood up and said, "They have decided to turn over a new leaf."