Look Out! A Chapter Full Of Background Information

The amusement park was filled with a happy upbeat tune which was unfamiliar to Lin Sanjiu. Every now and then, there was the sound of chiming bells. The sweet scent of fried ice-cream and cotton candy filled the air. Under the bright sun, the whole place had a lively, cheerful atmosphere like a carnival. Balloons of different colors bobbed in mid-air. They didn't fly away but hovered around the height of people's shoulder level. Occasionally, some of them would get caught in a tree and a few gray pigeons would burst them with noisy popping sounds.

If it weren't for the unsettling lack of human voices, this would seem like a good amusement park.

Well, it wasn't exactly as though there were no humans voices around at all. When the three other posthumans followed behind her, Lin Sanjiu heard the welcome message at the entrance coming from the speakers, "Welcome to Starry Carnival Amusement Park…"