Please Don’t Knock on a Stranger’s Door

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The sound of dripping water was conspicuously loud in the empty washroom that Lin Sanjiu was in. The fluorescent light above her flickered now and then, thrusting the washroom into a limbo between light and dark. It was almost as if the whole washroom would turn dark suddenly.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, Lin Sanjiu turned open the tap covered in water spots. Right now, she really needed to refreshen herself by splashing some cold water on her face. However, after the tap squeaked twice, no water came out.

Lin Sanjiu looked up and scrutinized her own reflection. Under the flickering light, she could see her pale and pallid face. Her wings loomed behind her, partly hidden in the shadows.

"What will you do next?" Mrs. Manas quipped suddenly. She had not made an appearance for quite a while. Lin Sanjiu did not reply because she didn't know what to do.