Neighborhood Meeting

After Lin Sanjiu opened the door slightly, she did not stick her head out immediately. Instead, she stealthily stuck one hand out while holding a broken piece of mirror. Tilting the mirror, she caught the blurry reflection of the carpeted corridor outside.

After scavenging through unit 119, she finally found a mirror behind the door of a cupboard and chipped a piece off. As Lin Sanjiu was worried that even a reflection might work, she intentionally rubbed the surface of the mirror against a corner of a table a few times. She scratched the mirror until it became cloudy before she used it to check the situation outside.

She didn't really have a choice. For some reasons, ever since Lin Sanjiu entered this attraction, her five senses were just all messed up. It was as if she had reverted back to being a normal human. When she saw or heard something, it was usually too late for her to react.