A Series To Ruin Your Childhood

It had already been a few hours since Pumpkin Route had been completely devastated by Puppeteer's and Santa Claus' battle. Granite outcrops and mounds of upturned soil littered the landscape. There were several fissures on the ground. The shops and buildings surrounding them had all slid into these holes following the movements of the ground.

There were still a few damaged shops that were not sucked into these holes. However, none of the pocket dimension beings were around. The products in the shops had also all disappeared much to Lin Sanjiu's disappointment. Her clothes were in a bad shape after the battle so she thought she could sieve through the rubble to get a new outfit. However, this was apparently impossible so she gave up on it.

"Hey, if you were wearing a hoodie, things wouldn't be this hard for me," Lin Sanjiu heard a quiet complaint from atop her piping hot head.