Different Choices

Lin Sanjiu followed Mickey across the kitchen. After they went through a cartoon-like pink door with an extravagant design, she found herself walking on dark green grass that squeaked with every step she took. She suspected that the grass field was made from plastic.

"Look over there," Mickey pointed his three white glove covered fingers to the sight in front of them. 

Lifting her head, Lin Sanjiu gazed into the distance.

Under the dismally daubed blue sky, the plastic grass plain seemed to end ten steps from where she stood and gave way to the edge of a brown cliff. Craning her neck, her eyes trailed all the way down the cliff into the chasm. Through the thick fog, she saw the surging river at the bottom of the valley. On the other side of the cliff was another low grass plain. If it weren't for the eerie green color, it would have been beautiful scenery.

"How can I go over there?"