Fortune Favors the Bold

The next day at nine o'clock sharp, Lin Sanjiu stepped through the doors of the Cloud Gathering Tavern the moment the Trading House service started operating. She had been waiting for it to open.

A waiter did not see her and nearly collided with her. He quickly dodged and laughed as he followed behind her, "Dear customer, you're early!"

The female customer ahead was taller than him by a head and was staring fixedly on the notice board in front of her. Even though he could only see her back, the skeletal wings that suddenly burst forth from the bathrobe she was wearing already betrayed the uncontrollable excitement of its owner. The wings seared through the air as they extended outward.

"Wow, that duck's method really works," Lin Sanjiu had already deactivated the ability and was no longer in her mimicry state. As she looked at the notice board, a smile graced her face. "The price has increased to 1.2."