Let’s Count The Number of Times Lin Sanjiu Has Died

The tall woman in the mirror chamber lowered her head. A shadow hid her face, making it impossible to tell what her current expression was. The two people in the chamber stood still without saying a word as tension filled the air. Geran heard a mumbling voice from his opponent. He had to focus very hard before he could hear her quiet mutter.

"That owner…" the bloodied woman slowly lifted up her head to look at him. As she spoke, her cold amber eyes were surprisingly calm. "What did you do to him?"

After Geran heard Lin Sanjiu's question, he showed an expression which could only belong to Hei Zeji. Geran had a bland characterless face so when he made that expression it created a strong juxtaposition.

"Don't worry about others, you only need to die," Geran said with a smirk. As his demeanor, movements, and aura slowly became more and more like Hei Zeji, he always grew tired of saying too much despite being seemingly eager to talk just moments ago.