A Grand Prize’s Battle and Lin Sanjiu’s Psychological State

Ji Shanqing had a feeling that his owner had gone mad. He noticed that Lin Sanjiu looked slightly berserk when she maliciously kicked the merman into the ocean. Ji Shanqing thought that she had her emotions under control after resting for some time in the airship... 

Yet, when people started emerging from the nearby forest, he found out how preposterously wrong he was to make that assumption.

The sight of these people fuelled Lin Sanjiu's yet unextinguished anger. Before Ji Shanqing could react, the woman's seething anger exploded into full fury, and she charged toward them. He watched as she disappeared into the forest. A bloodied body flew out from the forest canopy literally the next second.

The only thing scarier than a lunatic, was a lunatic who was methodical and systematic.